We build web applications
Full stack, from first discussion to production. We've got all the bells and whistles.
- Responsive Design
- Email Integration
- Progressive Web Apps
- Usage Insights
- Cloud Storage
- Security
- Report Generation
- RESTful APIs
A couple of the recent things we've worked on.
Just enough software to support higher performance teams who deliver above their weight class.
- Learning management system
- Goals
- Daily reports / scrums
Anishnabeg Outreach
Learning management system to support an amazing organization creating opportunities in Indigenous communities.
- Simple UX
- Rich courses and lessons
- Admin dashboard

Hackergal Hub
Hackergal's online learning portal designed to empower young girls to learn to love to code.
- Platform modernization
- Real-time quiz platform
- Admin management
We're particular about our tech stack, when you see our results you'll understand why.
Ruby on Rails
A battle tested fullstack web framework that does scale.
Bootstrap CSS
Defacto styling framework to keep the UI clean and familiar.
Lightweight sprinkles of interactivity for the UI.
Robust database that grows with the largest datasets.
Souce code and pipeline management.
Digital Ocean
Simple but secure and effective modern cloud hosting.
We like to use a lightweight, people-friendly process (sorry robots).
Novel idea. Let's talk, get a sense of what you're thinking and then define the first small chunk.
We build the first working version of your web application.
You try it. You tell us what you like, what you don't like.
Does it need more? If so, we go back to 1 together.
Our secret ingredient? We call it Peachy 🍑
Peachy provides us with "just enough" support in growing through learning, meetings and goals.