What's your role?

As the Development Lead, my responsibility is to guarantee our development team deliver new and exciting features for our client, all the while adhering to high quality code standards. In addition to actively developing large scale features, my duties encompass the meticulous review of pull requests submitted by fellow team members. Beyond this, I play a pivotal role in mentoring other developers and facilitating their growth via pair programming.

How has your role within our tight-knit team influenced your perspective on delivering excellence to clients?

Being a part of a "small and mighty" team has definitely shaped how I have approached serving our clients. Since our resources are usually spread thin, we have to be very deliberate about the actions we take, making sure to limit mistakes and not waste the precious resources and time we have. In order to accomplish this, we put an emphasis on constant open communication and collaboration with the client and our fellow team members. Establishing a comprehensive grasp of the objectives serves as the initial stride towards accomplishing our goals. Additionally, our ability to be flexible and swiftly adapt to unexpected client requirements is another crucial element in ensuring client satisfaction. In order to be successful as a small team in this regard, each team member is required to wear many hats.

In your perspective, how does our emphasis on rapid solutioning set us apart in the industry and align with our boutique approach?

Operating as a boutique firm, we enjoy a plethora of advantages that facilitate our ability to provide swift and efficient product delivery to our clients. Our modest team size promotes continuous and clear communication both internally and with our clients, significantly reducing the chances of misunderstandings or miscommunication. It also allows us to dedicate our complete focus to our individual client, enabling us to establish close relationships and offer precisely tailored services. This personalized approach inherently translates to a shortened delivery timeline, ensuring that our clients receive their solutions promptly and with a high level of customization.

Which quote or motto describes your work ethic?

A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

This quote underscores that dreams are realized through the tangible efforts, relentless determination, and sustained hard work of individuals, not through elusive or magical means, emphasizing the importance of a patriarchal and committed approach to achieving one's aspirations. I like this quote because it kept me going while I was transitioning from civil engineering to software development.


  • Ruby on Rails
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Docker